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Download books: Head-First-Java-2nd-edition

Who is this book for?

If you can answer "yes" to all of these:
E!)" Have you done some programming?
Do you want to learn Java?
Do you prefer stimulating dinner party
conversation to dry, dull, technical
This is NOT a reference
book. Head First Java is a
book designed for 'earning,
not an encyclopedia of
Java facts.
this book is for you.
Who should probably back away frotH this book?
If you can answer "yes" to anyone of these:
Is your programming background limited
to HTML only, with no scripting language
(If you've done anything with looping, or if/then
logic , you'll do fine with this book, but HTML
tagging alone might not be enough.)
this book is not for you .
Are you a kick-butt C++ programmer
looking for a reference book?
Are you afraid to try something different?
Would you rather have a root canal than
mix stripes with plaid? Do you believe
than a technical book can't be serious If
there's a picture of a duck in the memory
management section?

Download link: Click here

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